The series provides opportunities for...
- Skill-building and learning from leaders and experts in the field
- Meaningful connections through peer group discussions and Learning Pods (pre-determined small peer working groups to continue the conversation after the presentation segment. Presentations will go from 9am - 11am, followed by a short break, and then working groups will meet from 11:15am - 11:45am and close out with 15 minutes of full group conversation)
- Enhanced knowledge of the field
- Unlimited access to session materials and recordings
...and more!
Series Schedule
Module 1: What's Your POWER? (Thursday, April 11, 2024, 9am - Noon)
Explores the power philanthropic practitioners hold in their role and how participants can acknowledge and lead from that understanding. Participants will dive deeper into power dynamics that exist within the field, and ways to address the inherent differences between those who deploy resources (beyond dollars) and those seeking resources.
Module 2: Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 9am - Noon)
Offers a space for participants to dive deeper into their personal and organization's role in diversity, equity and inclusion work, and how philanthropy, as a whole, can move the needle on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Module 3: Leading in the Field (Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 9am - Noon)
This module will focus on personal leadership, managing up, and an exploration of leadership at all levels of a philanthropic organization.